2006-10-09 - 8:43 p.m.

So, back to the positive thing, okay?

Yesterday, Sunday, was a gloriously beautiful autumn day. Mild, but not as humid as it's been all summer. (Are seasons supposed to be capitalized? I can never remember.)

Anyways (and I use that phrase/word ironically in homage to the speech patterns those cocksuckers fucking use on Deadwood). Beautiful day. I was fortunate enough to get a chance to meet, and talk to, an attractive young woman for a while.

Then I got to hang with some of my oldest friends. And by oldest, I mean you, Swami. Hah!

We watched the game, The Bears won. And Danger Boy convinced, no badgered, us to go out in the alley and throw the football around. Complete with coaching. Hey, The Swami even got it down pretty good. Not me though. Whoever chose the shape of an American football should sit on it. Give me a rock any day. Or a lawn dart. Hey Danger Boy, go long for this!

Danger Boy's kids are adorable, if ya like rugrats. Which I don't, normally. But these guys are pretty charming. I think they get it from their mom. Naw, that's not fair, Danger Boy and The Swami are pretty charismatic guys. It's in their blood. You shoulda seen Buddy and La Se�ora when they were young. Whoa. Add in Nash's (think of the late 40s early 50s Nash hood ornaments, beautiful women with wings) looks and charm, and oh boy, these guys're gonna be lady-killers.

Anyways. Paulie was there and brought some good barbecue. It woulda been better if Woody, "The Counselor", and "The Mad Architect" were there too. Woulda been like old home days or something. But we had fun ribbing each other and watching old Star Trek episodes and giving props to Captain Kirk, "Sawbones", & "Spocko".

Then I came home to my boys and we cuddled off to sleep early.

Life is good, if you pay attention, I guess. Huh?


So, how do you like them apples?

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