2000-07-27 - 21:07:05

In a slightly less angry mood, I have to say that my whole point about crackers & taggers is that they're vandals. That is unless the cracker is engaging in espionage, or theft. In which case they're criminals...and they suck too!

I hate vandalism. Can't stand it. I mean, things are shitty enough in this world without some bonehead coming along and trashing public or private property. I mean, why can't lowlife sociopaths plant trees or something? Why do they have to destroy, deface? It makes me sick.

I grew up pretty damn poor, and things were nasty enough without wrecking things for "fun". All my life I've struggled to live in a better place, dress in nicer (at least more comfortable and better quality) clothes, work in a more pleasant atmosphere. It didn't come easy, and I'm still not done trying to reach a better place.

I remember my freshman year in college. There was this kid who lived in my dorm. He came from Connecticut or New York or somewhere, and he came from money. If Punk wasn't his bag, he'd a been dressed like every other prep school jerk. He trashed our dorm one night, breaking furniture, strewing garbage all over the place, knocking things over, writing "Punk" slogans on the walls. I've always hated that fucker.

Yeah, he gets to fly home to his parents nice home in suburban New England and drive Mommy's Volvo. I got to take the greyhound to Chicago and the CTA home to my Mom's basement apartment, infested with cockroaches, toilet backing up and flooding the place, hasn't been painted in a decade.


There's all kinds of pop psych explanations about middle class kids using vandalism as a means to express their rage at the conformity and repression they experience in the suburbs. Poor bastards. It must hurt.

Like those fratfucks who stole the art cow moo@NU at Northwestern. What udder dicks! They're going to have to do some community service, and face felony charges. Good. Fuck 'em! I hope they have to do 30 days in Cook County Jail and live with a felony conviction on their record for the rest of their lives. In fact, I hope it limits their ability to find decent jobs, but it won't, I'm sure. 'Cause if they're willing to steal, and destroy (too stupid to just steal the thing as a prank, then put it back, or at least return it whole when they got busted) then they'd be willing to lie on their job applications about whether they've ever been convicted of a felony.

I hate vandalism.


So, how do you like them apples?

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