2000-02-19 - 06:13:40

Wow, it snowed like a motherfucker! And there I was moaning for months about how there's no snow like there used to be when I was a young'un.

Okay, here's the skinny on the new computer. It's okay, but I can't get X to run on it under Linux. A major disappointment. However, thanks to the Internet and the open source/Linux movement, I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

Other than that it's a cool little machine.

Work is finally starting to come together, so I don't feel so anxious about that.

And I still love Jenny.

So, the theme of this entry is optimism.

Now, I'd better use my "quiet" time to try and get this damn computer working, or I'll never get a chance.


So, how do you like them apples?

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