2000-07-26 - 10:13:06


I hate crackers and script kiddies. I mean, are you THAT bored and sociopathic that you have to fuck up someone else's work and potentially make them lose their livlihood, inconvenience other users, and just generally screw around other people so you can boast incoherently on some IRC channel?

These guys are just plain assholes. With their petty little vengeances, and inability to interact in any reasonable way with other humans. "Oh, you have slighted me, now I must destroy your credit rating!"

"Huh, huh, huh, with this rootkit, I can take down Yahoo! Cool." Whatta buncha dickweeds!

Fuck Kevin Mitnick and his ilk, and their lameass justifications. "I was just pointing out to the sysadmin that his system has security holes." "Information wants to be free" "Freedom of speech." Bullshit!


It's one thing to engage in corporate espionage. But this crap about exploring for the sake of exploring? You wanna explore? Get a job with the company that runs the system.

Crackers are just like graffiti taggers. Fucking up the landscape with their weak-minded scrawl for the sake of their pathetically low self-esteem and pitifully overblown egos. I hate those fuckers. The CTA spends millions on brand new "L" platforms to make riding the CTA a little more pleasant, and these boneheads come along and spray paint their stupid tag names all over the new platform. Why? So everyone can know that "Ceaser" doesn't have enough brains or sense to do something worthwhile with his time.

Meanwhile, the nice new train stop looks like shit. Which makes the poor bastard who's already dragging 'cause he has to get up and go to his stupid job in the morning, have to face a visual shitstorm at 7 in the morning.

Makes me wish I were a cop. Every time I'd catch one of these graffiti "artists", I'd take his can of paint and spray paint all over his Tommy t-shirt, jeans and baseball cap, then hit his Nikes with a couple coats for good measure. See how they like having their shit all messed up.


******End rant*********


So, how do you like them apples?

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