2009-03-06 - 4:35 p.m.

30 years ago I bought a Kramer aluminum necked bass. I never did learn to play it.

I sold it to help finance my trip to california with my girlfriend. Big mistake. Both of 'em.

Now I'm trying to learn to play bass again. Whoa. It's surprisingly easy compared to 30 years ago. I think it's easier because... I've been touch-typing for years, so my fingers are pretty agile. Um... resource for learning abound these days through the web, and big book stores. And, I don't know, experience? Maybe cause there's no expectations either. I don't care so much. I mean, I care about learning to play, but I don't care if I'm the best, or if I ever play in a band. Also, I'm older, I don't really give a shit what other people think about a lot of things.

All I know is, I picked up the bass, and it just felt right. So I've got a new bass, and a bunch of other gear, and I'm taking lessons every week. And I love it.


So, how do you like them apples?

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