2006-04-25 - 11:04 p.m.

What is it? Love at first sight? Some kind of weird instinctive genetic recognition? My type? I dunno.

Sometimes I'll see a woman and I get this feeling in my gut, sort of like when you fall suddenly, like on a rollercoaster or a very fast elevator. Or like hunger pangs.

It's distressing because mostly it's people that I'll never meet, like Genevi�ve Bujold in Obsession. It's also distressing because it's so strong. I mean, I saw Obsession 30 years ago.

God help me when it happens with women that are actually of my acquaintance.

This just happened with some woman on AFF. I saw her on her web cam feed (She was fully clothed, thankyouverymuch!) and... I was enthralled. Even her mannerisms evoked a kind of longing.

It even happens with photos. I mean, don't think I'm weird or anything... Wait, okay, never mind that. It's not like it happens constantly or something. It happens occasionally. And with varying degrees of intensity.

I usually try to ignore it if it happens. Mainly because it can really ruin my day: Imagine you've been lost in the Mojave for two days and you manage to hike out and get to the highway. There you find a gas station, but it's closed - "Gone Fishin'". Through the window you can see a cooler with a selection of chilled beverages. And you realize that you're too weak to break in.

Okay, suspend disbelief. No, there's no faucet on the outside of the building for a hose. No, there's no water in the windshield washing thingies. No, I can't throw a rock through the window! I'm too weak, remember? Besides, all the glass is bulletproof.


So, how do you like them apples?

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