2002-04-13 - 5:18 p.m.

So, I'm sitting here at work on a Saturday waiting. I've just done a bunch of maintenance work on my co-workers' computers; installing the newest version virus protection software, and Windows Update-ing them. I have this one troublsome computer, that seems to have problems with it's hard drive, maybe it's controller, so I'm done with everything else, and I'm just waiting for this thing to finish a disk check. It could take another hour. Rats.

I'm really anxious about having to find an apartment. I hate moving. I really do. I don't like trying to find boxes to pack in, and doing all the packing. The worst is the books. I have a lot, relatively. I always end up tossing a few out, and then regretting it. And something always gets lost or broken during a move. Furniture always takes a beating, and I have these gigantic oil paintings that are a real pain to move too. They're pretty delicate, and may be worth a lot too.(Like I'll ever sell them.) The last time we moved I lost two stainless steel thermoses and a nice stainless steel Starbucks cup. I think I left them in the dishwasher. Damn, that's over a hundred dollars to replace them. I haven't replaced 'em yet either.

I hate looking for apartments too, that's always depressing. It hasn't been so bad when I've been with Jenny because our combined income made our prospects better. Now that I'm on my own again, it's gonna be a little tougher. 'Course I'm better off than I've ever been in the past. I don't want to spend more than $775.00 for a studio, so that's not too bad. But I won't be able to live in a luxury highrise, like I want to...heh.

I want to move out of the city, up to a Northern suburb, like Wilmette, or Winnetka, or oooh, Kenilworth. I know that sounds odd, but not really. My dream place is over the proverbial stationary store in downtown Winnetka. Like one of those apartments over any storefront, but preferably in Wilmette or Winnetka, or somewhere up there. Preferably near the Metra so I have backup in case of car trouble. Yeah, well it's just a dream. I'll probably end up in Roscoe Village, or Lakeview. Somewhere on Lincoln Avenue would be nice.

Anyway, I've gotta get a place either on the top floor, or a place that's only one story. Or worst case, a building with concrete floors and wall to wall carpeting.

I can't stand the noise anymore. I really can't. No, you don't understand. If I don't find a place that's nearly silent, I might flip out and kill somebody. I'm not kidding.

I know it sounds crazy. It sounds crazy to me too. But it really is getting to the point where I feel desperate. I mean the noise, the constant STOMP STOMP STOMP, BANG, BOOM, THUNK. It is really distressing to me. To the point where I start really freaking out. Like those big cats in the zoo suffering from enclosure stress. I just can't take it anymore.

So I have to make a serious effort to protect myself. I know it sounds silly, but I feel like it's very important. So I'll either find a place on the top floor, or a place that doesn't have more than one floor.

Anyway, I'm just not looking forward to this whole moving thing.


So, how do you like them apples?

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