2006-05-22 - 12:38 a.m.

I don't want to always speak of negative things. I actually do censor myself a lot of the time. I mean, when I'm able to be aware of it. Even here, this journal. This is mine. This is my space to do with as I wish. I could indulge myself. Indulge in what's easy. Because of course it's easy to be negative. I've got a backlog of negative.

It's easy to be negative because of all the social reinforcement we get. We've got newscasts that only report crime, disasters, and corruption. All of our media is based on the misfortunes of others. Think about it. Look at television. Look at film.

Think about comedy. What is comedy? Really, it's not funny. It's about someone else's pain or embarrassment.

Think about the Internet. A vast wasteland of angry men ranting.

Good God, look at our religion. An angry, vengeful, god who will banish you to eternal agony if you don't toe the line.

Yeah, it's easy to be negative. It's hard to be happy. It's hard to find the good. And it's really hard to take the time to report on the happy, good things. Because that's the time when you don't need to write about it, neh? No therapy needed, I'm happy. Right?


This morning while my dad was sleeping (he works the third shift), I went out a-walkin', determined to make the best of being here in FLA. Pitchers! That's it. Here's my opportunity to take pix of a more exotic place, right?

A cow licked my hand. A horse snuffled my belly. A donkey charged up to me and brayed. Wow! Now that's fun!


I made friends with my dad's cat, Tiger. She's a sweet little thing. Adorable. Tiny.

I got to see my dad on his birthday, and spend time with him.

I got my dad set up to use the new Mac Mini that's he's had sitting here dormant for months.


So, how do you like them apples?

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