2000-05-01 - 10:50:04

Junior's still dead.

I hate living in my apartment without a cat. It feels so lonely.

I keep trying to distract myself with other things.

Jenny's going through hard times. I don't feel able to help her. Just my advice is all I can give her. I'm no genius, so any advice I give her, well, would you trust me to run YOUR nuclear reactor?

Hind sight is 20/20, and it's a lot easier telling someone what they should do then actually carrying out the advice. I know. Been there, done that.

What's hard for me is not dismissing things as irrelevant. What seems important to someone younger than me, often seems a waste of time to me, and vice versa I'm sure.

Not to mention boy vs. girl stuff.

At least hugs are universally recognized as being comforting and nurturing and supportive.


So, how do you like them apples?

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