2000-01-06 - 16:20:02

Today we went out for my "going away" lunch. We went to this cajun resturant. I had the sampler: jambalaya, gumbo and red beans & rice. Peach cobbler for dessert. It was good, I guarantee.

I was presented with a very nice stainless steel Starbucks travel mug. I like, I like.

Boy, moving up in the world is bittersweet. I'm gonna miss these folks. (I'm writing this at work. Whatta they gonna do, fire me?)

I know my new job is going to be much harder than this one was, which was sort of the point, besides all the extra money. I hope I will be energized by having a sense of urgency around me.

Damn, when will I do all my web surfing? (ooh, last chance to to things like randomly check out I'll be back, hold on.

There, that didn't take long did it? Bogus, no pictures to turn into wallpaper. Cheap bastard! (just kidding Pete)

I've packed up all the junk in my office. Jeez, and what a lot of junk it is too. It was my first ever office of my own, and I liked it a lot. I never got around to really decorating it though. Gotta get that Bruce Lee poster framed. My new office is about a third smaller. But if I remember correctly, it's got a window. A window that doesn't just face into a light well too.

I work in the technological institute at Unnamed Private Mid-Western University. There's always interesting apparatuses visible through windows, scary looking scientist types wandering the halls, and through my job, entry into laboratories engaged in fascinating research. (which of course I don't understand, but I look around agog of all the interesting vials and bottles and shiny machines.)

Now I'll work in the registrar's office. With middle-aged woman doing clerking jobs, afraid of their computers. I already know some of these people from my many years here at the university, and I know their attitudes: "We've always done it this way." Grrr.

I hope I can just hide out in my office and learn the arcana of Oracle.

Guess I'll have to take of bit of my own medicine. I'm the one always spouting off about how "change is good". I hope I'm right.


So, how do you like them apples?

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