2000-01-13 - 06:23:12

When I got into the office yesterday morning, there was sunlight streaming in through the 20' high windows. As I closed the blinds on one side so my computer monitor was in shadow, I glimpsed a squirrel about his business. Ah. And there was a birthday card on my desk, signed by the "In-tire gang", with this goofy picture of a bunch of Gary Larsonesque people inside of a tire floating in a pond. The most humorous part was this cow in the background with her eyes bugged out and those tear drop shaped things that are supposed to be sweat sometimes, but always mean alarm. Haw haw haw! That's a good'n!

The windows in my office really are about 20 feet high. Maybe their 18 feet high, but they're high. But the office itself is rather small, so it's a bit odd. I have all this space up high, but I'm cramped down at my level.

I'll call it cozy.

All in all my birthday was really uneventful, but nice. The best part was just before going to sleep. Jenny and I were reading in bed, then we decided it was time to sleep, and we turned off the light and talked, and kissed and cuddled. That was nice.

What up with these kids!? Man, the longer I work at the U, the less tolerance I have for these kids. I mean, these kids are supposed to be the cream of the crop. They act like such dunderheads. And arrogant, oh my god.

You just wanna grab 'em by the hair and smash their faces down into your knee. Then kick 'em right in the kidneys!

But seriously, yesterday was the last day for adding classes, or "drop/add" in our parlance. Can you imagine someone EMAILING at like 3:45 to tell us that they can't get the computerized system to work when we close at 5:00? What a dumb-ass! Email isn't instantaneous!

It's always like this though. They wait until the last minute. Then act like it's not their fault.

What I don't understand though, is the attitude. Most kids are okay, even nice. But some of 'em ...oh yeah, I forgot, they're human.

I like animals better.


So, how do you like them apples?

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