2000-01-16 - 08:07:22

Ah Sunday morning. The perfect time for wake & bake. Alas, not for me. Even if I had some of the fine medicinal herb.

I'm going into the office. Woohoo!

At my old job, I could take over someone's computer and do what I had to do while they either did something else or stood by and offered me moral support.

Not in the Registrar's office. First of all, the biddies'd freak out if you told them they couldn't use their computer for a half-hour. Second, they really need to have access to them all the time. There's kids coming in all the time, and phone calls, and they really need to be able to access the information that they need all the time. I understand.

So, today I'm going in to inspect each of the computers in the office and take down names & numbers. I'm taking inventory. I'm supposed to develop a replacement cycle for upgrading the hardware. My recommendation? New computers for everyone!

Anyway, I'd rather spend the day wake & baked and watch science fiction movies all day.



So, how do you like them apples?

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