2000-01-15 - 11:30:36

So, you were blessed again. Lost another long entry to computer failure...or whatever. After writing a long "I love my cat, and here's why" riff, my hard drive started spinning madly and KDE locked up. Sadly, I don't have the knowledge or experience to recover from that in Linux. I had to perform that most sacriligious of acts, and just punch the power button and shut down hard. Ouch.

Lucky you.

Or not, 'cause now you get a geeky rant, rather than a sacharine sweet ode to my dear friend Junior.

Even after 9 years of computing, I still have so much to learn. I really do have to start taking some computer science classes. I'm self taught, but with no clear direction. I would classify myself as a power-user. But what I know, and my experience is enough that I'm miles ahead of most of my co-workers. But still a "luser" in terms of real geekdom.

For instance, look at any "*nix for dummies" type book, they really don't tell you all that much. Commands and such, but not underlying things. Like I wanted to set the date on the Sparc Classic at work. Uh, in UNIX the "time" command has something to do with the time it takes to run a job or something. You set the time and date using "date", I guess. I have to read the man page for date. Man pages, sheesh. Hard to understand if you ask me.

I wish I had friends who knew stuff like that. Someone I could say to "hey, how do you do foo?", and they'd sit down and say "okay, telnet to and foo the foofoo." But none of my friends even know the difference between telnet and the Internet.

It was the same when I was in my twenties. I was all into punk, and none of my friends were. I went to so many shows alone. It sucked. By the time punk was more mainstream, and people were more familiar with it, it wasn't punk anymore and I had moved on.

Now I don't give a rats ass about music.


So, how do you like them apples?

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