2001-07-19 - 6:56 a.m.


Is this the coolest video game ever, or what?

I saw this game in a mega-arcade in Las Vegas. I just happened to see when there was this kid who obviously had spent at least $500.00 on the thing. He was amazing.

So here's how it works: The machine is a big console with a video screen in the middle. In front of the console is a big platform with two sections of arrows at the compass points. The console also has a set of huge speakers in the front of it. The game plays dance music and scrolls arrows corresponding to the arrows on the platform. The goal is to step on the arrows in sequence in time to the music. And make it look like dancing.

This game is wildly popular in Japan where it was invented, and people are just crazy for it here in the U.S. too. Look here for tips and trivia.

I wouldn't call what that kid in Vegas was doing dancing. But I hear there are some kids who have managed to really run with this and do amazing things.

My first thought when I saw this game was "Wow, this is way cooler than a stationary bike or Nordic Trek for home excercise." This guy is the "Subway Jared" of DDR. He must have thought the same thing.

Jenny got this game for our Playstation, there's a home version. It's really cool, and fun. All I can say is, if you see a big fat, bald, white guy, kicking ass on Dance Dance Revolution. That'll probably be me.

I'll leave you with a quote from my former co-worker Landon: "There's nothing funnier than a fat guy dancing."


So, how do you like them apples?

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