2001-07-23 - 12:32 p.m.

Of course, one of my favorite authors is William Gibson. Y'know, the Sprawl trilogy, or whatever they call Neuromancer, Count Zero, and Mona Lisa Overdrive as a set.

I've got first editions of almost all of Gibson's books. And the Voyager set on floppy for Macintosh. And Neuromancer read by Gibson on cassette, etc.

His vision is interesting, and I think, he's a pretty good writer in terms of technique. I'm no English professor, but I know what I like. And since I can barely read, because my attention span is so limited, I like authors who don't screw around. Who write cleanly and keep the flow going. King, Vonnegut, Gibson, etc.

So Gibson's the focus of a new feature length documentary film William Gibson: No Maps For These Territories. I can't wait to see it.

Though, being a yankee, I find the Southern drawl a bit annoying. Listening to Gibson read Neuromancer was excruciating for me. It's taken years for me to take people with Southern accents seriously. My bad. I wish I had some Southerners in my life so I could get over the Yankee stereotype of Southerner as slack-jawed yokel.

Anyway, I can't wait to see this new film. I find it odd though, how this writer, Gibson, can still be ...not "relevant", but interesting enough to enough people to warrant a movie. I mean, the trilogy started in 1983, it's now nearly twenty years later, and "Cyberpunk" is pretty much dead as a literary form. I guess the movie is based on talking about Gibson's future vision, or observations on the present in relation to the future. I dunno, seems like sorta shaky ground to me. How does he avoid being pompous? I mean here's this not-exactly-wildly-popular writer lounging in the back of a limousine, smoking and pontificating on his vision of the future, and his insightful observations.

Kind of a Cyberpunk Jerry Seinfeld, only serious.


So, how do you like them apples?

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