2003-09-26 - 6:59 p.m.

What's it like to grow up ugly? Not deformed. Not disfigured. Not plain. Ugly.

I guess I'm not ugly. I am disfigured. And overweight; have been my whole life. Overweight, I mean. I wasn't disfigured until I reached puberty. I got acne. Horrible, nasty acne like few have ever seen. And because we were poor, it was left nearly untreated. Healthcare was not cheap. HMOs hadn't been as popular back then.

So I got a good drubbing for my appearance all through my life. Except when I was very young. It was awful. I'll probably never have decent self-esteem. I always felt ugly, even if I really wasn't.

It's odd though, us ugly ones (unsightly, outcasts) shunned one another for the most part. It was usually one ugly one in a clique of 3 or 4. Us uglies basically met by association. One smaller clique associating with 1 or 2 other smaller cliques. We intersected and even became friends that way.

Weird, huh?

Sometimes one ugly kid would find another ugly kid just too ugly, and couldn't deal with 'em. Or they'd dislike one another. Sometimes it'd get...ugly.

What's really bad is being ugly and stupid. But we won't go there, eh?


So, how do you like them apples?

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