2006-10-06 - 4:40 p.m.

Y�know, I�m almost shy of writing up in here now. The thing is, I don�t wanna end up sounding like an old curmudgeon. Though, I probably am one.

I�ve said it before, what I don�t want to do, is only write about the things that bug me (like the sound of voice students practicing right across from the smokers� gulag, lalalalala), or put into words my most self-pitying moments. Or spew long rants about politics (about which I really know very little).

How do you provoke a positive response? How do you stay positive without being false, to yourself, and to others? I mean, c�mon, I split from The Family because of all that �stay in the spirit� crap.

I mean, it�s tedious to spend all your time talking about what you don�t like, right? Right, Mr. Spiggott?

But then if I talk about what I do like, then I sound all goofy and warm and fuzzy. It�s bad for my menacing image.

That�s right, I�m ugly as sin, I look like a serial killer (at least that�s what they say), but really, I�m all about cute. Yup. Kittens, and baby squirrels, goatlets and foals. Sunsets and pine tree covered mountain sides, back rubs and holding hands. I choke up at the sad parts in movies and TV.

Ewwwww! (I know) WTF!?

Anyways. Last night we (M & J & J & me) had the first of, what I hope is, many Lost viewing parties. We drank beer and wine, and I played stupid songs from my iTunes collection. We gossiped about work and razzed each other. We watched the couple of Lost overview and update shows I Tivo�d. Then we got down to business and watched the show, happily fast-forwarding through the commercials.

Then we watched My Name Is Earl and The Office.

A good time was had by all. Binny even came out of hiding to hang out with us.

Uh huh. So, yeah, that�s positive, right? Not Binny, but the whole thing. Well, Binny IS a positive thing, but I didn�t mean Binny when I said �that�s��



So, how do you like them apples?

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