2005-12-07 - 9:47 a.m.

Well, lower than a snakes belly. That's about it. What else is new, eh?

(Still) banging my head against the wall with financial issues. Will I have learned my lesson this time? Probably not. Dear God, I hope so.

Good things: I have shelter, heat, and light. And cat food and litter for the boys to last the month.

Bad things: Missed Thanksgiving at Jenny's parents' house. Not able to afford to go to Florida to be with my Dad at Christmas. Not enough money to last the month.

This is the suck.

Why do I continue to compulsively screw myself over with money? I mean, I went to therapy for over a year. WTF!?

I guess it's like trying to quit smoking cigarettes. You just have to keep trying.



So, how do you like them apples?

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