2001-02-19 - 22:18:47

Today I got a call from a headhunter. At least that what she said she was.

"...offered you a compensation package, would you be interested?", she mumbled.

"What?!" I was really put off by the fact that the person, we'll call her a woman, couldn't manage to spit the words out clearly enough for me to understand her.

"Blah, blah, blah, blah,...would you be interested in changing jobs?", she blah-ed.

I'll tell you, I never got around to figuring out who had hired her, and she so impressed me, that I can't remember who she said she represented. I mean, do I want to work for someone who's hired such a lame rep? No.

I told her I wasn't interested in changing jobs right now. Blah, blah, more blathering about the "right package". WHAT PACKAGE?! Maybe, if it's a huge package of WEED!

"Maybe I don't have the right person..." She bleats. "I'm trying to contact an Assistant XXXX."

"I'm the Assistant XXXX for XXXX and XXXX." I proclaim proudly.

"Is there another Assistant XXXX?"

"Yeah. Hold on."

I put her on hold, look up Mike's number. Surf the web a couple minutes.

"Here's the number for the Assistant XXXX for XXXX and XXXX". I say.

"Thanks." She says.

"Bye", .

I go over to Mike's office later on and ask him if he's looking for a new job. "Did you get that call too?", he goes.

I go, "Yeah, I gave her your number. I was really harsh to her though."

"Yeah, I told her to call me between 5:00 and 6:00, not while I'm trying to do my job." he says.

Man, we must have represented as totally hostile. And we're not even in high tech. It's not like you get a lot of calls from head hunters in higher ed.

I have to say, though. Cold calls, especially from vendors, but cold calls in general are annoying. Especially if you're in the middle of something, to have some snake oil salesman trying to set up an appointment, is a pain. But at least those guys speak clearly.

The mush-mouth thing really put me off. I pointedly asked her if she was trying to survey me. She just says no, and that's it. "Well, why ARE you wasting my time then?" I wanted to ask. I shoulda played with her like a cat with a mouse.

That's what she gets for calling me on the first workday without a nicotine patch.


So, how do you like them apples?

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