2006-03-26 - 6:03 p.m.

Working on day four of not smoking.

Yeah, I know all the reasons not to smoke. Two things are gonna help me keep quit, I hope. The smell on my clothes and in my apartment, and the price.

It's fucking extortion, is what it is. The price of cigarettes. The people passing all these extra taxes on cigarettes are idiots. They're imposing a burden on the people who can least afford to bear it. Eventually it's gonna come back and bite 'em in the ass.

When they start having trucks carrying loads of cigarettes getting hijacked, and when armed robbery for cigarettes starts happening, all these weenies are gonna be sitting around blaming "the criminals" instead of their own dumb ass policies.

I mean, look around you, who smokes? Mostly it's the working-class and poor people. It sure as shit ain't these fucking middle-class assholes that live around me. Oh yeah, smoking is so fucking terrible, but they don't have a problem driving around in their big-ass SUVs do they? Oh, whatsamatter ya fucking polo shirt wearing, wine drinking, country club membership-owning shitbird, ya don't like the second-hand smoke? Quit breathing!

It's all about class. Don't let these assholes fool you. They'll tell you it's a huge burden on the healthcare system. Yeah? Well the healthcare systems's a huge burden on the back of Americans. Talk about gouging. These fucking doctors and their six and seven figure incomes are the fucking burden. Moreso the healthcare "administrators", the HMO bean counters.

Like I said, who smokes? It ain't the doctors, the lawyers, the financial analysts, no. It's the working Joes, the poor. Well, them, and the rebellious suburban teenagers. And the middle-class, playing at being starving-artist hipsters. Oh yeah, the whole Wicker Park crowd. They smoke because it's "alternative". Ooh. Fucks.

But hey, I'm not fucking bitter or anything. I mean, I know how bad smoking is for you. I've been smoking, on and off, for thirty years, and all I ever got out of it was some serious respiratory infections.

I mean, it's not like there's a payback to smoking, is there? You don't get high, do you? There's no rush... after the first pack. I mean, what's the upside? Craving? Not so much. The smell? Eh, again, not so much. The taste? Funny how humans acquire a taste for the taste of poison. No, not really. Looking cool? Well, c'mon, Bogie's dead.

I'm well aware of the dangers of smoking. I hope I'm able to quit. But I resent the shit out of the anti-smoking lobby's tactics. And I hate those fucking non-smoking weenies who have to cough when they walk by someone smoking outside. If they only knew how close they came to having their fucking lights put out, they'd choke on their little cough of distaste.


So, how do you like them apples?

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