2007-07-30 - 7:38 p.m.

Hah! Fool me once. Shame on u. Fool me X 2, shame on me. I am write long entry inna norm-al tongue. Mistake close browser. Lose everfing. Now me write inna tex' edit, an save it. Many years a comp-yooter. Sh'd know me better.

I writin' 'bout big thing, movie call American Hardcore. I am forget how big/strong/power feeling. Am forget isolation. Am forget me friends no get th' "hardcore". No know the "mo'ment" so short time. Seem to longer inna feelin'. But the history don't lie. Yeah?

Am know differn't feeling a the Chicago hardcore to th' Easties n' Westies. Chicago no no violent as a Easties. Mebbe small community feeling, yeah?


So, how do you like them apples?

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