2005-06-24 - 7:32 p.m.

"Congratulations! You are each the second place winners in the Love and Rockets Giveaway contest. You will each receive a copy of Locas and Palomar, and your paragraphs may be printed in whole or in part in Love and Rockets #15."

Woohoo! I won! I WON!!

...second place.

My friend Ggreg won third place.

I urge you, even if you wuz a little kid in the 80s, to read Love and Rockets. That is, if you like comics, punk rock, pretty girls, and... uh, well, the whole West Coast thing.

I'm a big fan. I even had Los Bros. sign my leather jacket at a signing.

They were all like "How we gonna sign your jacket, you weird dude?"*

And I wuz like, "Hey man, I got it covered. I got white permanent markers. Huah hual hauh!"

An' they wuz like, "Oh, pret-ty cool man. OK"

An' they signed it. Cool. 'Course nobody but a hardcore comics reader in the 80s would know what those sigs were...

I let 'em keep the markers.

Totally threw that jacket away in a move.

Hey, waitaminute! Something's wrong here. The contest web page says First Place gets the two honkin' huge hardcover volumes. YAAAAYYYY! I won FIRST PLACE! Shoot, I can't even remember what I wrote. I don't remember there being a PG version and an R version. What th'...?! I gotta go buy that issue and see what I wrote.

* Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez's dialogue is paraphrased and should not be taken to be a factual record of the encounter and conversation engaged in during said encounter. All persons living or dead are purely coincidental.


So, how do you like them apples?

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